Rigorous academic standards prepare students for high school
English/Language Arts includes the explicit teaching of grammar; critical study of literature; expository and creative writing and cross curricular research (social studies and literature).
Elective courses such as debate, cooking, sewing, graphic design, tech topics and advanced art allow students to try new things and explore areas of interest.
Differentiated learning experiences allow students to learn and thrive at their level of challenge such as:
Lego robotics
Poetry writing and poetry slam
Research projects
Presentations to build public speaking skills
Specialized math courses
NWEA MAP assessment scores are consistently above national averages.
Integrated technology such as 1:1 Chrome books for all middle school students, G-Suite for education, and interactive smart boards in every classroom.
Academic field trips such as Biz Town and Camp St. Croix allow students to practically live the curricular content they are learning.
Leadership qualities modeled on the teachings of Christ and the tenets of our Catholic Faith are developed through service learning opportunities and high behavioral expectations.
Middle school students have the opportunity to mentor and/or tutor younger students as well as peers.
Middle school students serve the younger students as Mass buddies and by helping them with service projects throughout the year.
SJB students develop strong public speaking skills through academic projects; by lectoring, cantoring, ushering at Mass and leading prayer services; and leading the morning announcements.
Successful study skills are developed with regular, meaningful homework, subject area tests and independent learning projects.
Academic extracurricular activities include the Science Fair and Quiz Bowl.
A variety of competitive athletic opportunities are offered including soccer, volleyball and basketball
Band, choir and theater enhance the process of learning.