Confirmation deepens our baptismal life that calls us to witness Jesus Christ in our families, neighborhoods, society, and the world. In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized person is ‘sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit’ and is strengthened for service to the Body of Christ.”United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
High school students can begin in grade 9 and would get confirmed in grade 10. We also welcome students in grades 10, 11, and 12.
Adults who are baptized and wish to be confirmed would prepare for the sacrament by journeying through the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults.
Most Wednesday evenings from 6:15 to 7:45PM, starting the first week in October and ending the first week of May.
This is a two-year process.
SJB offers high school small groups led by catechists who facilitate faith discussions uniquely created by our Coordinator of Youth Evangelization for our parish's needs. Many lessons are supplemented with YDisciple and all lessons are rooted in Scripture and Tradition. Confirmation preparation is not merely a program; it's a process of preparation for full commitment to the Faith and receiving great gifts of the Spirit!
Students gather in the atrium (door #7) with their families for an opening reflection, then move to the school auditorium (door #1) for a large group gram. Students are then dispersed to their assigned classrooms with their small group leaders who guide them in engaging discussion about living the Catholic faith.
High School Confirmation Preparation classes occur three times per month for two years from October to May. Ongoing formation classes continue for the full two years, extending beyond the date of Confirmation.
Year #1: $150
Year #2: $85
Confirmation Small Groups (three Wednesdays/month)
Choose a Confirmation Saint
Choose a Confirmation Name
Choose a Sponsor
Participate in Service/Activities at the Parish ("Dive Deeper" Form)
Attend the Confirmation Retreat
Attend the Confirmation Mass with your Sponsor*
*Confirmation date is assigned by the archdiocese in the spring prior to Confirmation.
**We do NOT know when your teen will be confirmed until the archdiocese announces the date mid-year. The Confirmation date always happens many months after the announcement is made, so you do not need to worry about last-minute changes.
For more information, email the Confirmation Team or call 952-890-9434 ext. 313
Check out the Parent Info Packet to answer all your questions about the specifics (class info, forms, areas of readiness, service and a current class calendar).